No, a disabled Gmail account cannot receive new emails. When a Gmail account is disabled, it essentially means that the account has been suspended or deactivated by Google due to a violation of their terms of service or other policy violations.
When an account is disabled, access to all features and services associated with the account, including email functionality, is typically restricted. This means that you won't be able to send or receive new emails, access your inbox, or perform any actions within the disabled account.
However, it's important to note that while the disabled account cannot receive new emails, any emails that were previously received and stored in the account will generally remain accessible once the account is re-enabled or reinstated, assuming they were not deleted.
If your Gmail account has been disabled, you should review Google's Terms of Service and follow their guidelines for resolving the issue or requesting reinstatement. You can typically find more information on how to address a disabled account by visiting Google's support pages or contacting their support team directly.
Do not use bad words.