The spin-down time of a ceiling fan can be influenced by various factors, including the design, construction, and condition of the fan, as well as external factors such as the environment and air resistance. Here are some potential reasons why your 56" industrial ceiling fan may spin down faster compared to others:

Fan design and construction: Industrial ceiling fans are typically designed for high airflow and optimized for commercial or industrial settings, which may result in a different blade design, motor power, and overall construction compared to residential ceiling fans. These design differences can affect the spin-down time of the fan.

Fan condition: The condition of your fan, including the quality of the ball bearings, the cleanliness of the blades, and the tightness of any screws or bolts, can also impact the spin-down time. A well-maintained fan with smooth ball bearings may spin down faster compared to a fan with worn or dirty ball bearings.

External factors: The environment in which the fan is installed can also affect the spin-down time. Factors such as air pressure, humidity, and temperature can impact the air resistance and friction that the fan blades encounter, which can affect the spin-down time.

If you want to increase the spin-down time of your industrial ceiling fan without adding weights, here are some potential suggestions:

Lubricate ball bearings: Ensure that the ball bearings of your ceiling fan are properly lubricated, as worn or dry bearings can increase friction and reduce spin-down time. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for lubrication or seek professional assistance if needed.

Clean fan blades: Dust and debris on the fan blades can increase air resistance and reduce spin-down time. Regularly clean the fan blades to ensure they are free from dirt and debris.

Balance the fan: If your fan blades are not properly balanced, it can affect the spin-down time. Consider balancing the fan blades using a balancing kit or seeking professional assistance to ensure that the blades are evenly weighted.

Adjust fan speed: Some industrial ceiling fans may have adjustable speed settings. Lowering the fan speed may result in a longer spin-down time.

Consider environmental factors: Factors such as air pressure, humidity, and temperature can affect the spin-down time of a ceiling fan. If possible, try adjusting the environment in which the fan is installed to minimize air resistance and friction.

It's important to note that modifying the design or construction of the fan, or adding weights, may not be recommended or safe without proper knowledge and expertise. If you're unsure about making modifications to your ceiling fan, it's best to consult the manufacturer or seek professional assistance to ensure safety and optimal performance.