King Shark is a fictional supervillain in the DC Comics universe, who is a humanoid shark with enhanced strength, speed, and durability. Here are some of the abilities commonly associated with King Shark:

Superhuman Strength: King Shark possesses immense physical strength, capable of lifting and throwing objects many times his own weight. He can also crush objects with his powerful jaws and tear through solid materials with his sharp claws.

Enhanced Speed and Agility: King Shark is also incredibly fast and agile, with the ability to swim at high speeds and move quickly on land. He can also jump great distances and has excellent reflexes.

Durability: King Shark's tough skin and thick musculature make him highly resistant to physical damage. He can withstand blows from most conventional weapons and is even immune to some forms of energy attacks.

Regeneration: King Shark's unique biology allows him to heal quickly from injuries, including regrowing lost limbs or body parts.

Underwater Breathing: As a humanoid shark, King Shark can breathe both on land and underwater, allowing him to swim and fight with ease in aquatic environments.

Animalistic Senses: King Shark's heightened senses of smell, hearing, and vision allow him to track his prey and detect hidden enemies.

In addition to his physical abilities, King Shark is also a skilled fighter and strategist, making him a formidable opponent for many superheroes in the DC Comics universe.