The definition of "the best" in martial arts can be subjective and can vary depending on the context and criteria used to evaluate skill, accomplishments, and overall performance. Here are a few aspects that are commonly considered when assessing the skill level or success of martial artists:

Technical Proficiency: Skill and expertise in executing techniques with precision, accuracy, and effectiveness are fundamental aspects of being considered among the best martial artists. This includes mastery of various strikes, kicks, throws, locks, submissions, or any other techniques specific to the martial art being practiced.

Competitive Success: Achieving significant victories and accolades in competitive arenas, such as winning world championships, earning titles, or performing exceptionally well in tournaments, is often an important measure of martial arts greatness. Competitive success can demonstrate a martial artist's ability to apply their skills effectively against skilled opponents.

Innovation and Influence: Some martial artists are recognized as the best due to their contributions in advancing their martial art or influencing its development. This can include introducing new techniques, training methodologies, or philosophies that shape the practice of the martial art or impact its broader community.

Depth of Knowledge and Teaching Ability: Martial artists who possess an extensive understanding of their art's principles, history, and philosophy and who can effectively transmit their knowledge to others through teaching and mentorship may be regarded as among the best. Their ability to inspire and guide future generations of martial artists can contribute to their reputation and impact on the art.

It's important to note that "the best" in martial arts can vary among different martial arts styles and within different contexts, such as professional competition, self-defense applications, or artistic expression. Additionally, personal opinions and biases can influence perceptions of greatness in martial arts. Ultimately, the concept of "the best" in martial arts is multifaceted and subject to interpretation based on individual perspectives and criteria.