Risotto is a specific type of rice dish that is cooked slowly and requires more attention than plain boiled rice. While cooking rice is generally considered to be a relatively easy task, making a good risotto requires a bit more skill and effort.

The main difference between cooking rice and making risotto is the technique involved. Rice is typically cooked by simmering it in a measured amount of water or broth until the liquid is absorbed and the grains are tender. Risotto, on the other hand, is made by adding small amounts of liquid to the rice in a slow, steady stream while stirring constantly. This helps to create a creamy, smooth texture and release the starch from the rice.

In addition to the technique, making risotto also requires specific ingredients and equipment, such as arborio rice (a short-grain rice), onion, garlic, white wine, and Parmesan cheese. These ingredients work together to create a complex, savory flavor profile that is characteristic of risotto.

Overall, while risotto may be more challenging to make than plain rice, it is still a doable dish for most home cooks. With a bit of practice and attention to detail, anyone can learn to make a delicious risotto.