Boxers rely heavily on their wrist and forearm muscles for generating power in their punches, as well as maintaining proper form and technique. Here are some common training methods that boxers use to develop their wrist and forearm muscles:

Shadow boxing: Shadow boxing involves throwing punches in the air without a target, focusing on proper form, technique, and speed. This exercise requires repetitive wrist movements and helps to strengthen the wrist and forearm muscles, as well as improve coordination and accuracy.

Heavy bag training: Hitting a heavy bag is a staple of boxing training. It requires powerful punches that engage the wrist and forearm muscles. The heavy bag provides resistance, helping to strengthen the wrist and forearm muscles as boxers throw punches with force and speed.

Speed bag training: The speed bag is a small bag that hangs from a platform and is used for rapid punching. Speed bag training requires quick and repetitive wrist movements to maintain a rhythm and control the bag's movement. This exercise helps to develop wrist speed, coordination, and endurance.

Focus mitt training: Focus mitts are padded targets held by a coach or training partner. Boxers practice their punches and combinations on the focus mitts, which requires sharp wrist movements to hit the target accurately. This exercise helps to improve punching accuracy, speed, and timing while also strengthening the wrist and forearm muscles.

Grip strengthening exercises: Grip strength is essential for boxers as it helps them maintain a tight fist while throwing punches. Boxers may use grip strengthening exercises such as wrist curls, reverse curls, and grip squeezes using hand grippers or resistance bands to specifically target their forearm muscles and develop a strong grip.

Resistance training: Boxers may also use resistance training techniques to strengthen their wrist and forearm muscles. This can include using resistance bands, dumbbells, or specialized equipment that provides resistance during wrist and forearm exercises such as wrist curls, hammer curls, and pronation/supination exercises.

It's important to note that proper technique and form are crucial in boxing training to avoid injury and ensure maximum effectiveness. Boxers should work with qualified trainers or coaches to develop a training regimen that suits their needs and goals, and to ensure that they are using correct techniques and safety precautions while training their wrist and forearm muscles.