Gaining 1k subscribers on YouTube requires consistent effort and dedication to creating quality content and building a community around your channel. Here are some tips that can help you reach this goal:

Create high-quality content: Creating high-quality and engaging content that resonates with your target audience is key to building a loyal following on YouTube. Make sure your videos are well-edited, visually appealing, and provide value to your viewers.

Optimize your channel and videos for search: Make sure your channel and videos are optimized for search by using relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags. This will help your videos rank higher in search results and make it easier for people to find your channel.

Promote your channel on social media: Promote your channel and videos on your social media accounts, including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Encourage your followers to subscribe to your channel and share your videos with their own networks.

Collaborate with other YouTubers: Collaborating with other YouTubers in your niche can help you reach a wider audience and gain new subscribers. Look for opportunities to collaborate on videos, cross-promote each other's channels, and participate in group projects.

Engage with your audience: Engage with your audience by responding to comments, asking for feedback, and creating content that addresses their interests and needs. Building a loyal and engaged community is key to growing your channel over time.

Remember, gaining 1k subscribers takes time and consistent effort, so be patient and keep creating content that you're passionate about.