Mike Tyson was known for his exceptional punching power, and his punches were estimated to be equivalent to the force of a small car crashing into a wall at full speed.

While it is difficult to provide an exact numerical value for the force of Tyson's punches, some estimates have put the power of his punches at over 1,800 pounds of force per square inch (psi). To put this in perspective, the average person's punch is estimated to be around 200-300 psi.

Tyson's punching power was the result of a combination of factors, including his strength, speed, and technique. He was known for his explosive movements and his ability to generate power from his legs and hips, which allowed him to deliver devastating blows to his opponents.

Overall, Tyson's punching power was one of his greatest assets as a boxer, and it played a significant role in his success in the ring.