Joining and training with Shaolin monks in China is a rigorous and challenging process that requires a significant amount of dedication, discipline, and sacrifice.

First, you would need to travel to the Shaolin Temple, which is located in the Henan Province of China, and make arrangements to stay and train there. There are various programs available for foreigners who want to train at the Shaolin Temple, ranging from short-term programs lasting a few weeks to long-term programs lasting several years.

Once you arrive, you will be expected to follow a strict schedule that includes daily meditation, physical training, and instruction in Shaolin Kung Fu techniques. The training is intensive and demanding, and you will be expected to push yourself to your limits every day.

Living at the Shaolin Temple is also challenging, as you will be expected to adhere to a strict code of conduct that includes abstaining from drugs, alcohol, and sexual activity. The living conditions at the temple are basic, and you will be required to participate in daily chores and other tasks to help maintain the temple.

Overall, training with the Shaolin monks in China is an incredible opportunity to immerse yourself in a rich and ancient tradition of martial arts and spiritual practice. However, it is also a challenging and demanding experience that requires a high level of commitment and dedication.