Training with Mike Tyson, a legendary former professional boxer known for his aggressive style and formidable punching power, can be an intense and unique experience, even for elite boxers. Having sparred with Tyson, here are some observations about what he does well and what makes him a dangerous fighter:

Intense Pressure: Tyson is known for his relentless pressure and forward-moving style. He is constantly coming forward, applying aggressive offensive techniques, and pushing his opponents to the ropes. His ability to maintain a high pace and pressure his opponents can be overwhelming, creating a sense of constant danger.

Exceptional Speed and Power: Tyson possesses exceptional speed and power in his punches, which are among the best in boxing history. His explosive punching power, combined with his ability to close the distance quickly, allows him to deliver devastating blows that can quickly end a fight. His hand speed is also remarkable, making it challenging for opponents to react and defend against his attacks.

Defensive Skills: Tyson's defense is often underrated. He has good head movement, slips, and rolls to avoid punches, and he's known for his "peek-a-boo" style, where he keeps his hands high to protect his face and body while maintaining his offensive pressure. This makes it difficult for opponents to land clean shots on him.

Strategic Body Attack: Tyson is known for his strategic targeting of the body. He often throws powerful hooks and uppercuts to the body, aiming to wear down his opponents and decrease their resistance over time. This strategy can sap opponents' energy and make them more vulnerable to his head shots.

Psychological Warfare: Tyson has a unique ability to intimidate his opponents with his aggressive demeanor, intense stare, and aura of invincibility. His mental toughness and psychological warfare tactics can disrupt his opponents' game plan and create fear, hesitation, and mistakes.

On the downside, Tyson has been criticized for his occasional lapses in defense, particularly when he gets too aggressive and leaves himself open to counter-attacks. He has also faced challenges with stamina in some fights, especially in later rounds, due to his aggressive style and explosive bursts of energy.

Overall, training with Mike Tyson can be an awe-inspiring experience due to his exceptional physical attributes, aggressive style, and psychological warfare. His relentless pressure, punching power, defensive skills, body attack, and intimidation tactics make him a dangerous and formidable opponent in the ring.