Swimming alone at night in a pool can be a scary experience for some people, as it can feel more isolating and vulnerable than swimming with others during the daytime. However, whether it is more or less scary to swim alone at night versus with others depends on the individual and their personal feelings about being alone and in the dark.

Some people may feel safer swimming alone at night in a pool, as there are no distractions or potential dangers from others in the pool. Others may feel more comfortable swimming with others, as they feel safer and more protected in a group setting. Additionally, some people may feel more confident swimming alone at night in a pool if they have adequate lighting and safety measures in place, such as well-lit paths and a pool fence or cover.

Overall, whether it is more or less scary to swim alone at night in a pool versus with others depends on the individual and their personal feelings and perceptions. It's important to prioritize safety and comfort when swimming, and if you feel uneasy about swimming alone at night, it may be best to avoid doing so and instead swim with ot