Determining the greatest freestyle skier of all time is subjective and can vary depending on personal opinions and criteria. However, many consider Candide Thovex to be one of the greatest freestyle skiers of all time.

Thovex is a French freestyle skier who has won numerous competitions and accolades, including three X-Games gold medals, two FIS Freestyle World Championships, and one Winter X-Games Europe gold medal. He is known for his innovative style and ability to push the boundaries of the sport, often incorporating tricks and maneuvers that had never been seen before.

Thovex's notable achievements include being the first person to perform a switch triple rodeo 1260 (three and a half rotations while skiing backwards) and the first to land a backflip onto and off of a rail. He is also known for his viral ski films, such as "One of Those Days" and "One of Those Days 2," which showcase his incredible skill and creativity on the slopes.