Working out in the morning can have several benefits:

Increased energy: Exercise can help boost energy levels, which can set a positive tone for the rest of your day.

Improved mood: Exercise can also help improve mood and reduce stress levels, which can improve mental focus and productivity throughout the day.

Consistency: Working out in the morning can help establish a consistent exercise routine, as it's less likely to get pushed aside by other obligations that can arise later in the day.

Better sleep: Morning exercise can also help regulate circadian rhythms, which can lead to better sleep quality.

On the other hand, working out in the evening can also have benefits:

Increased flexibility: As the body is more warmed up in the evening, it may be more flexible, making it easier to perform certain exercises.

Reduced stress: Evening exercise can also help reduce stress levels after a busy day, promoting relaxation and better sleep.

Availability: For some people, the evening may be the only time they have available to work out, making it a more practical option.

In terms of effectiveness for losing fat and gaining muscle mass, research suggests that timing may not matter as much as overall consistency and adherence to an exercise routine. Ultimately, the best time of day to work out is the time that fits best with your schedule and personal preferences, as consistency is key to achieving fitness goals.